Here’s what you need to know about the Best Ointment Manufacturer in India
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Ayurvedic Products
Leading Ayurvedic Products Manufacturer in India: Mondove Biotech
May 12, 2022

India has always been a crucial provider of medicines, ointments, and vaccines for the world. However, catering to the bulk volume of pharmaceuticals goods requires major specialization. Therefore, different companies have selected their specialized products. And they manufacture these products through a third-party manufacturer or within their facility. This is where Mondove Biotech has made a benchmark in providing quality specialized medicines and ointments for both local and international markets.

Mondove Biotech – a brief overview

The company started with a vision to become the most valued healthcare company in the industry. The company strives for becoming the best in providing advanced medicines to add value to the life of its customers as well as its employee. Mondove Biotech has been rapidly and consistently growing with its new and advanced medicines and formulations. Their successful ventures in the ointment market and injectables have helped them gain sustainable growth across the industry.

They have received several accolades and awards for being the best ointment manufacturer in India. Apart from that, they have a vast network of suppliers and distributors across the globe. This ensures timely delivery of the medicines in the local as well as global market. They have a proper R&D team that formulates new drugs and medicines.

They have an unmatched reputation in the pharma industry for quality, innovation, and consistency. They adhere to the DGCI compliance and use molecules and components from WHO GMP-certified manufacturing units. Although being a budding pharma company, they have been featured in top medical journals like Drugs Today, CIMS, and IDR.

Product categories for Mondove

Mondove uses a holistic approach to cater to every pharmaceutical need of every household and hospital. They have more than 1000 products spread over 7 categories. The major categories that their products belong to are:

  • Tablets and capsules
  • Ayurvedic medicines
  • Dry syrups
  • Syrups
  • Injectables
  • Ointments
  • Protein powder

Mondove is becoming a household name with their quality products across these categories but their key growth drivers are ointments. Bafenec and Luflex are two products in the ointment category that are carefully formulated and developed. These Ointment Manufacturer are focused on reducing swelling or pain in the joints. They have a longer shelf life and are non-allergic. So, one can be assured that there are no allergic reactions to using these ointments, unlike other brands. Longer shelf life means the agents and distributors can order in bulk quantity to enjoy further discounts and still be able to sell the product without the risk of wastage.

Apart from these two, they have also formulated Itradov plus which is gaining popularity among ointment manufacturer users in India. Mondove Biotech follows the following four core values that are also imbibed into their products:

  • Quality – the quality of the manufactured goods comes through the quality of manufacturing. They ensure that each of the PCD pharma franchises is following the proper norms and guidelines in the process.
  • Affordability – being the best products in the class doesn’t need to be costly. Mondove Biotech strives for providing the best product at an affordable price to every healthcare consumer on the planet.
  • Timely delivery –timely delivery of the medicines has a huge impact on the customer’s conscience. Therefore, they have set up a vast network of distributors and agents to make their products available in the market all the time.
  • Customer-centrism – the essence of the best pharma company is to provide their customers with the right product with minimal side effects.

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